Premium Calculator

Premium Calculator

Complete the form to estimate your CareShield Life premiums before and after any Government subsidies or incentives. 1

See here for steps to check your ElderShield coverage.

Unsure how to calculate your PCHI? Click here to calculate your PCHI.
1 If you have ever opted out and re-joined ElderShield, have a single or 10-year ElderShield premium payment plan or have a paid-up policy, your personalised premiums will be available closer to 2021.
2 If you are born in 1991 or later, your premiums will be made available when you turn 30. If you are born in 1946 or earlier, contact the Healthcare Hotline at 1800-222-3399 for your premiums.
How to check your ElderShield Coverage:
You can check for your ElderShield coverage through the CPF Board's website. The steps are as follows:
1. Go to
2. Login to "my cpf Online Services" using your NRIC and SingPass.
3. Select "My Messages", and view under "Healthcare".

If you are covered under ElderShield, this section will let you know the ElderShield insurer you are covered under (i.e. Aviva, Great Eastern, or Income). For more details on your ElderShield plan, please contact your ElderShield insurer.

If you are not covered under ElderShield, the CPF website will not reflect any information on ElderShield.
Last Updated on 28 Aug 2020