Transfer and Failure of Receipt

1. General

Transfer, in relation to a biological agent, is defined as the movement of biological agent from one facility to another.

Failure of receipt is defined as not receiving the First Schedule or Second Schedule biological agent or Fifth Schedule toxins, whether initiated through a transfer from another facility or by importation, within 24 hours of expected receipt or as reasonably estimated by the transferor.

2. Control

A notification to the Ministry of Health is mandated under the Biological Agents and Toxins Act for the transfer of First Schedule Part 2, Second Schedule biological agents and Fifth Schedule toxins. Transfer notification of First Schedule Part 1 biological agent is encouraged to enable tracking of movement of the biological agents within facilities.

Additionally, a 'Notification of failure to receive' to the Ministry of Health is also required for First Schedule, Second Schedule biological agents and Fifth Schedule toxins. 

Refer to the respective sections for other notifications related to:
(a) Destruction by the operator of any of the stocks of First Schedule and Second Schedule biological agents, and Fifth Schedule toxins; and
(b) Update inventory or information related to the possessed First and Second Schedule biological agents, and Fifth Schedule toxins.

3. Requirements

The following are requirements for the transfer of First Schedule, Second Schedule biological agents and Fifth Schedule toxins.

It is the responsibility of the transferor1 to ensure:

  1. That the transferee2 has been granted an approval from the Ministry of Health, to possess the agent or toxin being transferred.
  2. That the carrier of the biological agent or toxin being transferred must:
    1. have knowledge on the hazards for the biological agent or toxin being transferred/transported; 
    2. be provided with information on a 24-hour emergency contact number of
      1. a person having knowledge of the hazards and characteristics, and experience in dealing with emergency scenarios related to the biological agent or toxin being transferred/transported; or
      2. a person who has immediate access to the person in (I);
      3. have a Hazardous Material Transport (Hazmat) Drivers Permit issued by the Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF); and
  3. Compliance with the transportation regulations stipulated in the Biological Agents and Toxins Act and the Biological Agents and Toxins Act (Transportation) Regulations.

1 Transferor - in relation to any biological agent or toxin, is defined as a person who provides the biological agent or toxin to another person
2 Transferee - in relation to any biological agent or toxin, is defined as the person to whom the biological agent or toxin is provided

More details regarding the transfer notification can be found in Notifications.

4. Procedure

Login to HALP-Biosafety and submit a Notification of Transfer and/or Failure of Receipt of any First or Second Schedule biological agents, or Fifth Schedule toxins.

6. FAQ

The FAQs on the homepage of the biosafety website provide answers to commonly asked questions on biosafety.

Click here to go to the FAQ - Notification.