Registration for Certified Facility

1. Requirements for Registration as Certified Facility

  1. The facility must be certified by an MOH-Approved Facility Certifying Body and Certifier (MOH-AFCB and MOH-AFC) 
  2. Facility must have an Biosafety Committee (BC) composed of the list of members as stipulated in the Sixth Schedule of the Biological Agents and Toxins Act (BATA).
  3. All members of the facility shall comply with the duties and responsibilities stipulated in Part 5 of the BATA.

2. Information and/or Documents Needed for Registration as Certified Facility

Please refer to FAQ - Facility Certification.

3. Validity of Registration for Certified Facility

The validity of the registration of a certified facility with the Ministry of Health is tied with the validity of the certification given to the facility by the MOH-AFCB and MOH-AFC. However, the Ministry of Health at any time, may revoke or suspend the registration.

4. Register as Certified Facility

BSL 3 facilities which are interested to work with First and Second Schedule biological agents must register with the Ministry of Health.

Click here to register as certified facility.

5. FAQ

The FAQs on the homepage of the biosafety website provide answers to commonly asked questions on biosafety. Click here to go to the FAQ- Certification.