Regulatory Requirements

In this page, you will find information for a new or existing medical transport service licensee on the medical transport service regulations and licence conditions, its applicable specified services and the allowable modes of service delivery, requirements to be a clinical governance officer and licence fees.

Please note that in addition to the requirements set out here, a medical transport service licensee is also required to comply with the Healthcare Services Act 2020, the General Regulations, Advertisement Regulations, Fees Regulations and the Code of Practice for Key Office Holders. More information on the legislative requirements may be found in the Summary of Requirements.

When is a Medical Transport Service licence needed?

You will require a Medical Transport Service licence if you:

  1. Convey any patient (except a patient who is an emergency patient* before being conveyed) by land using a medical transport and provide clinical care and monitoring (if necessary) while the patient is being conveyed in the medical transport.

*An “emergency patient” is an individual who is suffering or believed to be suffering from an injury, or a condition of acute or sudden onset, that poses an immediate threat to the individual’s life or jeopardises the long-term health of the individual.

For the legal definition of a Medical Transport Service, please refer to the First Schedule of the Act.

Applicable Specified Services and Mode of Service Delivery

The only allowable Mode of Service Delivery for Medical Transport Service is conveyance. There are currently no Specified Services offered under the Medical Transport Service.

Requirements to be a Clinical Governance Officer

An individual must be in good standing and fulfil all of the criteria below to be appointed as a Clinical Governance Officer (CGO).


1. For an individual to fulfil the requirements to be a CGO, he or she must:

a. Reside in Singapore during his or her appointment as a CGO

b. If a doctor is to be appointed as a CGO, he or she must:

i. Be a fully registered medical practitioner with SMC and hold a valid practising certificate,

ii. Have at least 5 years of work experience, including at least one year of work experience in the branch of anaesthesiology, emergency medicine, general surgery, or intensive care medicine, and

iii. Must not be subject to either a decision, or an order made under Part 7 of the Medical Registration Act 1997 by a Disciplinary Tribunal appointed under that Act in the 3 years prior to the appointment

c. If a nurse is to be appointed as a CGO, he or she must:

i. Be a registered nurse not working under the supervision of any person,

ii. Have at least 5 years of work experience in carrying out acts of nursing (as defined by section 26(2) of the Nurses and Midwives Act 1999) for or in relation to anaesthesia, emergency medicine, general surgery or intensive care medicine or any other branch of medicine involving the management of acute and critical patients as approved by the Director-General, and

iii. Must not be subject to a decision made by the SNB in exercise of the powers under section 19 of the Nurses and Midwives Act 1999 in the 3 years prior to the appointment

d. Have valid certifications of competency in –

i. Appointment as a CGO of the MTS;

ii. Provision of Basic Cardiac Life Support; and

iii. Use of Automated External Defibrillation.


For further details on the qualifications, skills and competencies of a CGO, please refer to Section 6 of the Emergency Ambulance Service and Medical Transport Service Regulations.


2. For an individual to fulfil the suitability qualifications to be a CGO, he or she must not:

a. Have any of the following convictions, unless it is a spent conviction:

i. An offence involving fraud or dishonesty;

ii. An offence under the HCSA, the PHMCA or any applicable Acts listed in the Annex A of the Code of Practice;

iii. An offence specified in the Third Schedule to the Registration of Criminals Act; or

iv. Any other offence involving abuse, ill treatment, assault, or physical violence

b. Have a pending charge for an offence under 2a(iv)

c. Be an undischarged bankrupt

d. Have had his or her healthcare professional registration(s) under MOH cancelled, removed, or suspended

e. Have been a director or manager of a healthcare services provider that had its registration or licence suspended, cancelled, or revoked

f. Have had his or her accreditation or approval to participate in MOH-administered public schemes revoked or suspended

g. Lack capacity within the meaning of the Mental Capacity Act 2008.


For further details on the suitability requirements for a Key Office Holder, please refer to the Code of Practice.

Licence Fee

The applicable licence fees are as follows:

If you offer
Medical Transport Service onlyBoth Emergency Ambulance & Medical Transport Service
More than 10 vehicles in total $900$1,300
10 or fewer vehicles in total $800 $1,000