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You are strongly advised to seek the professional advice of insurance professionals before making any decision with regard to any of the Medisave-Approved Integrated Shield Plans.

Summary: List of Integrated Shield Plans (IPs) and their targeted level of coverage (As at 1 Apr 2024)

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Basic Plans

Comparison of Class B2/C Plans
1. MediShield Life
2. Income IncomeShield Plan C*
3. Income Enhanced IncomeShield C*

Standard Integrated Shield Plan (for Public Hospital Class B1 coverage)

Comparison of Standard IPs (for Class B1 coverage)

1. Income IncomeShield Standard Plan
2. AIA HealthShield Gold Max Standard Plan
3. Great Eastern GREAT SupremeHealth STANDARD
4. Prudential PRUShield Standard Plan
5. Singlife Shield Standard Plan
6. HSBC Life Shield Standard Plan
7. Raffles Shield Standard Plan

Comparison of lifetime premiumsLifetime premiums of Standard IPs_v3

Important notes:
1. Lifetime premiums are calculated by taking the sum of premiums, from Age Next Birthday (ANB) 1 to 100, based on insurers’ premium tables as of 1 Apr 2024. It does not include the premiums of the MediShield Life component of IPs or rider premiums. Figures are rounded up to the nearest hundred.
2. All figures are for education and general information purposes only. The actual amount will vary over time, as insurers may revise premiums regularly.
3. With the exception of Standard IPs, other IPs may differ in coverage across insurers. Please consider both your coverage needs and ability to pay for the premiums when purchasing an IP.
4. Closed IPs that are no longer offered to new members are not shown here. Please contact your insurer for information on lifetime premiums if you have a closed IP.

Class B1 Plans

Comparison of Class B1 IPs

1. Income IncomeShield Plan B*
2. Income Enhanced IncomeShield Basic
3. AIA HealthShield Gold Max C*
4. AIA HealthShield Gold Max B Lite
5. Great Eastern GREAT SupremeHealth B*
6. Great Eastern GREAT SupremeHealth B Plus
7. Prudential PRUShield B*
8. Singlife Shield Plan 3
9. Raffles Shield B

Comparison of lifetime premiums
Lifetime premiums of Class B1 IPs_v3

Important notes:
1. Lifetime premiums are calculated by taking the sum of premiums, from Age Next Birthday (ANB) 1 to 100, based on insurers’ premium tables as of 1 Apr 2024. It does not include the premiums of the MediShield Life component of IPs or rider premiums. Figures are rounded up to the nearest hundred.
2. All figures are for education and general information purposes only. The actual amount will vary over time, as insurers may revise premiums regularly.
3. With the exception of Standard IPs, other IPs may differ in coverage across insurers. Please consider both your coverage needs and ability to pay for the premiums when purchasing an IP.
4. Closed IPs that are no longer offered to new members are not shown here. Please contact your insurer for information on lifetime premiums if you have a closed IP.

Class A Plans

Comparison of Class A IPs

1. Income IncomeShield Plan A*
2. Income Enhanced IncomeShield Advantage
3. AIA HealthShield Gold Max B
4. Great Eastern GREAT SupremeHealth A Plus
5. Prudential PRUShield A*
6. Prudential PRUShield Plus
7. Singlife Shield Plan 2
8. HSBC Life Shield Plan B
9. Raffles Shield A

Comparison of lifetime premiums
Lifetime premiums of Class A IPs_v3

Important notes:
1. Lifetime premiums are calculated by taking the sum of premiums, from Age Next Birthday (ANB) 1 to 100, based on insurers’ premium tables as of 1 Apr 2024. It does not include the premiums of the MediShield Life component of IPs or rider premiums. Figures are rounded up to the nearest hundred.
2. All figures are for education and general information purposes only. The actual amount will vary over time, as insurers may revise premiums regularly.
3. With the exception of Standard IPs, other IPs may differ in coverage across insurers. Please consider both your coverage needs and ability to pay for the premiums when purchasing an IP.
4. Closed IPs that are no longer offered to new members are not shown here. Please contact your insurer for information on lifetime premiums if you have a closed IP.

Private Hospitals Plans

Comparison of Private Hospital IPs

1. Income IncomeShield Plan P*
2. Income Enhanced IncomeShield Preferred
3. AIA HealthShield Gold Max A
4. Great Eastern GREAT SupremeHealth A*
5. Great Eastern GREAT SupremeHealth P Plus
6. Prudential PRUShield Premier
7. Singlife Shield Plan 1
8. Singlife Shield Starter
9. HSBC Life Shield Plan A
10. Raffles Shield Private

Comparison of lifetime premiums
Lifetime premiums of Private Hospital IPs_v3

Important notes:
1. Lifetime premiums are calculated by taking the sum of premiums, from Age Next Birthday (ANB) 1 to 100, based on insurers’ premium tables as of 1 Apr 2024. It does not include the premiums of the MediShield Life component of IPs or rider premiums. Figures are rounded up to the nearest hundred.
2. All figures are for education and general information purposes only. The actual amount will vary over time, as insurers may revise premiums regularly.
3. With the exception of Standard IPs, other IPs may differ in coverage across insurers. Please consider both your coverage needs and ability to pay for the premiums when purchasing an IP.
4. Closed IPs that are no longer offered to new members are not shown here. Please contact your insurer for information on lifetime premiums if you have a closed IP.

* These plans are no longer offered to new members. Existing members may continue to renew their policies.

Sample Policy Contracts of Integrated Shield Plans (As at 1 Apr 2024)

Service Indicators

(I) Claims Processing Duration

The following claims return rate table shows how long it takes each insurer to process Integrated Shield Plan (IP) claims with positive payouts. Please note that the durations below do not apply to rider claims. 


Median Claims Processing Duration (days)1

75th Percentile Claims Processing Duration (days)2




Great Eastern

0 (Same Day)






0 (Same Day)





Raffles Health Insurance






(1 Apr to 30 Jun 2024)
1 Median Claims Processing Duration means that 50 out of 100 claims are processed by the insurer within the indicated number of days in the table.
2 75th Percentile Claims Processing Duration means 75 out of 100 claims are processed by the insurer within the indicated number of days in the table.

Note: The number of days that insurers take to process claims includes the time it takes to obtain medical records from claimants or medical institutions.

Note: As MOH is currently undergoing system changes, insurers' claim processing duration may be affected.

(II) Pre-authorisation Turnaround Time (TAT)
For scheduled treatments, Integrated Shield Plan (IP) insurers may offer pre-authorisation. This allows policyholders to know the amount that is covered by the insurer prior to undergoing treatment, so they can make more informed care decisions and have a greater peace of mind.

Insurer1Availability of Pre-Auth Target TAT P50 TAT2 P75 TAT3 Insurer's webpage link
 AIAYes, via App, Website, Phone 30 (same day) 1
Great EasternYes, via Web Portal4 3 1 1 
HSBC LifeYes, via Phone 3 2 2
PrudentialYes, via Email 3 1 1
Raffles Health InsuranceYes, via Email 3 * *

TAT is defined as the number of working days an insurer takes to determine the outcome of a pre-authorisation request, from the time all required documentation is submitted by medical providers and policyholders. For more details on pre-authorisation requests and processes including which treatments can be pre-authorised, policyholders should approach their respective insurers.

*No data available as RHI has just started tracking pre-authorisation requests from January 2023.
1 Income does not offer pre-authorisation, hence this is not applicable for them. Singlife has ceased the requirement of pre-authorisation for preferred medical providers as of 9 September 2023, hence this is not applicable for them.
2 Pre-authorisation TAT is calculated based on the pre-authorisation requests received in 2022.
 P50 pre-authorisation TAT means that 50 out of 100 pre-authorisation requests are processed by the insurer within the indicated number of days in the table, starting from the receipt of all necessary documents and clarifications.
3 Pre-authorisation TAT is calculated based on the pre-authorisation requests received in 2022.
P75 pre-authorisation TAT means 75 out of 100 pre-authorisation requests are processed by the insurer within the indicated number of days in the table, starting from the receipt of all necessary documents and clarifications.
The submission of pre-authorisation requests via email has ceased with effect from January 2023. Policyholders can now request for pre-authorisation via a link to the web portal which will sent to them by the GE panel specialists.

Common reasons why insurers may reject or not pay for claims made

Depending on the features and exclusions under your policy, not every IP claim results in a payout. The table below shows some common reasons you may not receive a payout for the additional private insurance component1. For more information regarding your claim (including reasons for your specific claim outcome), please contact your insurer.

Common reasons why claims were not paid out by insurers2Percentage (rounded to nearest %)
IP Policy has expired or Policyholder was not covered under IP Policy 54%
Non-Declaration or False Declaration of Health/Medical Conditions during IP Policy Purchase 21%
Lifetime/policy/monthly limit has reached  11%
General Exclusion e.g. drug addiction/alcoholism not covered 8%
Claim is less than or equal to deductible  4%
Pre-existing illness 2%

1IP comprise two components:
1. MediShield Life component run by the Central Provident Board (CPF) Board.
2. Additional private insurance coverage component run by the insurance company, typically to cover A/B1-type wards in public hospitals or private hospitals. 

2This excludes IP claims that were rejected due to errors that require re-submission of claims.
3The above table list the common reasons where your main IP plan may not have any payout. Policyholders may still receive payout from their IP rider, depending on the terms and conditions.

Letter of Guarantee

When you are hospitalised, if your hospital can obtain a Letter of Guarantee (LOG) from your insurer, you can reduce the upfront cash deposit amount that you have to make with the hospital. An LOG is a letter issued by insurers to selected hospitals to fully or partially waive the hospital upfront cash deposit for hospitalisations or surgeries, based on the estimated portion of the bill covered by the insurance. LOGs are provided by insurers as an additional service, according to their respective terms of service. 

All IP insurers provide LOGs and you may check with your IP insurer for more information.

Following the hospital discharge, you may still be required by your hospital to settle your hospital bill, while your insurer assesses your claim according to your insurance coverage. You will be reimbursed by the hospital, after your insurer makes payment to your hospital.

Common reasons why insurers do not provide a Letter of Guarantee in specific cases

Having an IP does not mean that your insurer will always provide an LOG when you need treatment at a hospital. Your insurance coverage may differ from other policyholders, and your insurer may be unable to ascertain at the start of your treatment  whether your treatment is claimable under your insurance coverage.

The table below shows some common reasons why insurers may not provide policyholders with a LOG. For more information regarding LOGs and your insurance coverage, please check with your insurer.

Common reasons for not providing a Letter of Guarantee
  • Estimated bill size is below the deductible
  • Duration between policy inception and LOG application is shorter than insurer's stipulated minimum duration for LOG eligibility
  • Medical condition is a pre-existing medical condition that the policyholder had before the commencement of the policy
  • Medical condition is excluded from the policy
  • General exclusions, such as pregnancy and maternity expenses

Medical Record Costs

To process claims, insurers may require your medical records. Either you as a claimant, or your insurer, can request medical records from medical institutions. This request, however, is usually chargeable by the hospital and the charges may vary depending on the complexity of the medical report. You may check with your healthcare institution for the exact cost. IP insurers may not absorb the cost of obtaining medical records. 

What if I have a claim dispute with my insurer? 

For claim disputes of a contractual nature
Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre (FIDReC) is an independent and impartial institution that helps to resolve consumer financial disputes through mediation and adjudication. It is an accessible and affordable alternative to legal proceedings. FIDReC's services are available to consumers who are either individuals or sole proprietors for claims against licensed financial institutions who are subscribers of FIDReC. 

Before filing a dispute at FIDReC, the consumer must first approach the financial institution. If the financial institution has not been able to resolve the dispute satisfactorily, the consumer can then proceed to file a claim at FIDReC. The consumer must file the claim within six months of receiving a final reply from the financial institution. 

FIDReC can handle disputes of a contractual nature, this includes disputes involving disagreements over the interpretation of contractual terms. FIDReC also handles disputes involving issues of misrepresentation, service lapses and mis-selling. 

Further information on FIDReC and its dispute resolution process can be found at

For claim disputes of a clinical nature
From 9 November 2021, a Clinical Claims Resolution Process (CCRP) was established to resolve claim disputes of a clinical nature between private Integrated Shield Plan (IP) policyholders, IP insurers, medical practitioners and medical institutions. 

The CCRP will help to facilitate the resolution of clinically related IP claim disputes, including concerns on unfair rejection of claims for medically appropriate treatment or procedures, concerns on over-charging by medical practitioners and medical institutions, and concerns on over-servicing by medical practitioners. 

The CCRP is a voluntary process. The parties must mutually agree to participate in the CCRP, and enter into a contractual agreement to abide by the CCRP Panel's decision. Parties should, however, attempt to resolve the disputes amongst themselves at the first instance. 

The CCRP is administered by a secretariat from the Academy of Medicine, Singapore. Complainants can file their disputes online via the CCRP website. 

Further information on the CCRP and the CCRP agreement form can be obtained from the CCRP website at