
As part of our effort to enhance primary care, MOH has introduced the Primary Care Networks (PCN) scheme to encourage private General Practitioner (GP) clinics to organise themselves into networks that support more holistic and team-based care.  Under the scheme, patients will receive care through a multi-disciplinary team (including doctors, nurses and primary care coordinators) for more effective management of their chronic conditions. Patients are also able to access additional ancillary and support services provided by the PCN.  These include diabetic foot and eye screening, as well as nurse counselling, which are important for good management of chronic conditions.

The PCN scheme is part of MOH’s strategic shift to move care beyond the hospital to the community, so that patients can receive effective care closer to home. With an ageing population, chronic disease prevalence and complex care needs will be on the rise. A strong primary care sector will serve as the bedrock of our healthcare system, and help Singaporeans keep healthy and manage their chronic conditions holistically within the community. 


Funding and Administrative Support for GPs

Under the PCN scheme, MOH will provide funding and administrative support to GPs. The support includes funding for nurse counsellors and care coordinators, as well as support to establish chronic disease registries. PCN GPs will also be resourced to manage patients with more complex chronic conditions and care needs. The PCN scheme also provides participating GPs a platform for cross-sharing of best practices for patient care.

GPs participating in the PCN scheme will adhere to stipulated clinical requirements designed for effective care to patients, such as establishing a chronic disease registry, and providing nurse counselling, diabetic foot screening and diabetic retinal photography.

Coordinated and Team-based Care for Patients

Patients will benefit from coordinated and better care through the PCN scheme. They will be able to access nurse counsellors for individualised advice to manage their conditions, including lifestyle and dietary modifications. There will be close monitoring of their chronic conditions for early intervention, and more convenient access to services such as diabetic foot and eye screening. Care coordinators will help coordinate services where needed for a more seamless patient experience.

The inaugural PCN application call was held from 1 Apr to 31 May 2017. MOH has appointed eight new PCNs after evaluating the proposals. From January 2018, a total of ten PCNs including two existing PCNs, comprising more than 300 GP clinics, are offering holistic and team-based care for Singaporeans. If you are interested to find out more about the PCN scheme, you may refer to the link below: 

For more information about the PCN scheme, please refer to:

For More Information on PCN Scheme