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07 Nov 2022

21st Apr 2021

        As of 21 April 2021, 12pm, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed and verified that there is 1 new case of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection. The case is in the community, and there are no new cases in the dormitories. There are 14 imported cases, who had already been placed on Stay-Home Notice (SHN) upon arrival in Singapore. Amongst the new cases today, 11 are asymptomatic, and were detected from our proactive screening and surveillance, while 4 were symptomatic.  

Summary of new cases

Breakdown by

Breakdown by

Number of cases

Already in quarantine/ isolation before detection

Detected from surveillance



Cases in the community






Cases residing in dormitories






Imported cases








2.     Overall, the number of new cases in the community has increased from 2 cases in the week before to 9 cases in the past week. The number of unlinked cases in the community has also increased from 1 case in the week before to 5 cases in the past week. We will continue to closely monitor these numbers, as well as the cases detected through our surveillance programme.

3.     Amongst the 161 confirmed cases reported from 15 April to 21 April, 58 cases have tested positive for their serology tests, 85 have tested negative, and 18 serology test results are pending.

Case Details

a) Cases in the community: 1

There is 1 case in the community today who is currently unlinked. 

Case 62200 is a 39 year-old male Singapore Permanent Resident who works as a Systems Engineer at Parkway Pantai. He has been working from home, and has not returned to his workplace. 

He had travelled to India from 9 July 2020 to 24 January 2021. Upon his return to Singapore, he served SHN at a dedicated facility until 7 February. His test taken on 6 February during SHN was negative for COVID-19. He is asymptomatic, and was detected when he took a COVID-19 pre-departure test on 19 April in preparation for a trip. His test result came back positive the next day, and he was conveyed in an ambulance to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases. 

His Ct value was very high, which is indicative of a low viral load, and his serology test result has come back positive. He could be shedding minute fragments of the virus RNA from a past infection which are no longer transmissible and infective to others, but given that we are not able to definitively conclude when he had been infected, we will take all the necessary public health actions as a precautionary measure.

b) Cases residing in dormitories: 0

There are no cases residing in dormitories today. 

c) Imported cases: 14

Amongst the 14 imported cases, 

  • 2 (Cases 62196 and 62207) are Singapore Permanent Residents who returned from India.

  • 2 (Cases 62197 and 62201) are Dependant’s Pass holders who arrived from India and the UAE.

  • 1 (Case 62193) is a Student’s Pass holder who arrived from India.

  • 7 (Cases 62194, 62195, 62199, 62202, 62206, 62209 and 62219) are Work Pass holders who arrived from India, Luxembourg, Nepal, the Netherlands, UAE and UK.

  • 1 (Case 62221) is a Work Permit holder who arrived from Indonesia and is a foreign domestic worker.

  • 1 (Case 62198) is a Short-Term Visit Pass holder who arrived from India to visit his family member who is a Singaporean.

They had all already been placed on SHN upon arrival in Singapore and were tested while serving SHN. 

4.     Please refer to the Annexes  and MOH’s daily Situation Report ( for details. 

Update on condition of confirmed cases

5.     36 more cases of COVID-19 infection have been discharged from hospitals or community isolation facilities. In all, 60,576 have fully recovered from the infection and have been discharged from hospitals or community care facilities. 

6.     There are currently 70 confirmed cases who are still in hospital. Of these, most are stable or improving, and 1 is in critical condition in the intensive care unit. 204 are isolated and cared for at community facilities. These are those who have mild symptoms, or are clinically well but still test positive for COVID-19. 30 have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection. 

21 APRIL 2021