5th Apr 2020
The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) had issued advisories on enhanced precautionary measures in dormitories to minimise the risk of COVID-19 transmission. However transmissions within foreign worker dormitories have continued to rise and we are seeing more confirmed cases and workers who are ill. The S11 Dormitory @ Punggol (2 Seletar North Link) and Westlite Toh Guan dormitory (18 Toh Guan Road East) are of particular concern.
2. The Multi-Ministry Taskforce has decided that further measures are necessary to contain the risk of further transmission among the foreign workers within these two dormitories. This would keep the workers safe, as well as protect the wider community from widespread transmission from these clusters. Both S11 Dormitory @ Punggol and Westlite Toh Guan dormitory have been declared as isolation areas. Onsite medical support has been deployed, along with provision of food and essential supplies.
Measures to contain further outbreak
3. The S11 Dormitory @ Punggol, with 13,000 resident workers, and Westlite Toh Guan dormitory, with 6,800 resident workers, have been gazetted as isolation areas. Given the rising number of confirmed cases, this is necessary to avoid the risk of further transmissions from any potentially infected workers to others in the dormitories, as well as into the community. Workers who are symptomatic have already been isolated.
4. Within these two dormitories, precautionary steps have also been taken to protect workers who are well. All the affected workers will not go to work. Access to recreational facilities will be regulated to reduce the inter-mixing of workers. Movement between blocks is prohibited. Workers have also been advised to cease social interactions with others who do not reside in the same room or floor.
5. MOM is working closely with all dormitory operators, to implement similar measures within their premises with immediate effect. Efforts are also underway in the larger dormitories to reduce the density of their resident workers, by transferring some among them to alternative accommodation during this period.
Support provided to workers
6. The workers will continue to be paid their salaries for the duration of the quarantine. Their period of absence from work is treated as paid hospitalisation leave as part of the worker’s leave eligibility under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act (EFMA). Their employers are eligible to claim for the $100 daily quarantine allowance.
7. Arrangements will be made to cater three meals a day for all affected workers for the duration of the quarantine. They will also be issued with reusable masks, surgical masks, thermometers, hand sanitisers and other essentials so they can keep themselves safe and comfortable.
8. Onsite medical support has been deployed to support the workers residing at both dormitories. The dormitories have also implemented enhanced health screening measures, such as requiring workers to check and report their temperature twice daily, as well as the regular monitoring for fever and respiratory symptoms. Those who are unwell will be isolated and will be assessed by medical personnel for further attention.
Support provided to companies with affected workers
9. Companies that are providing essential services with workers affected by this quarantine order will be supported and arrangements will be made to ensure these essential services can continue to be provided.
Advisory to dormitory operators
10. Dormitory operators and workers living in dormitories are reminded of the importance of maintaining high standards of hygiene and cleanliness to safeguard their own health and those of others who are living in the same space. Safe distancing measures must be strictly adhered to. These include measures such as no inter-mixing of workers between dormitory blocks and floors, and for workers to stay within their rooms and to minimise interactions.
11. Social responsibility is critical in slowing the transmission of the virus. We need every individual to play their part in the fight against the virus. Those who are unwell, even with mild flu-like symptoms, should not be at work. They must see a doctor immediately to prevent spreading illness to others.
5 APRIL 2020