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07 Nov 2022

13th Feb 2019

1.  Brochez continues to make allegations which are either false or unsubstantiated with any evidence.

2.   The matter has been thoroughly investigated by both the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Police. Brochez was convicted in Court for fraud and various drug offences. Should new evidence emerge, we will investigate accordingly.

3. The Minister for Health had provided a Ministerial Statement in Parliament on 12 February 2019 giving a full account of the incident.

4.   We have explained the public health reasons for the HIV Registry. Brochez’s allegations that the HIV registry is used to target a group of men with specific sexual orientation is untrue. The fact that there is such a registry is public knowledge and statistics on HIV infection rates from the HIV Registry are published annually.

5.  We have indicated that Brochez may have possession of further information, and may reveal it in future. He has now threatened to do so, and MOH will work with the Police to take appropriate actions.

6.  Our priority remains the wellbeing of the affected individuals. We appeal to members of the public not to retain or share such information, as it could cause distress and anxiety amongst those affected. Please alert the Police should you come across such information.