Closing Speech by Minister of State for Health, Dr Lam Pin Min on the Kwong-Wai-Shiu Free Hospital (Transfer of undertaking and Dissolution) Bill, 10 January 2017
10 January 2017
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1. Madam Speaker, allow me to respond in Mandarin.
2. 议长女士,首先,请让我感谢蔡其生、颜添宝与黄国光议员们对广惠肇留医院的认可,以及对此法案的支持。
3. 议员们提到广惠肇留医院多年来对社会的付出:过去一百多年来,广惠肇留医院的确为新加坡尽心尽力,为国人提供良好的医疗服务。随着新加坡医疗需求的改变,广惠肇留医院也不断改进和提高医疗服务的素质。据我了解,广惠肇留医院早期为了应付国家的需要,提供接生服务及肺结核治疗,甚至在日军战领新加坡时,也照常运作。广惠肇留医院也自一九七四年起,不分语言、种族或宗教,开放为所有国人提供医疗服务。
4. 近年来,广惠肇留医院也开始提供额外服务如语言治疗、癌症康复,以及居家护理等服务。它也通过举办流动身体检验、讲座和活跃乐龄等活动,跟邻里居民保持密切的联系。
5. 正如蔡其生官委议员所言,广惠肇留医院不断地进行新的尝试,并且帮助年长者在熟悉的环境原地养老。我之前提到的活跃乐龄中心(英语称为 Active Ageing Hub)就是一个很好的例子。除此之外,广惠肇留医院目前也跟新加坡中医研究院 (英语称为 Academy of Chinese Medicine, ACMS) 合作为年长者提供更好的护理服务。新加坡中医研究院将参与广惠肇留医院新推出的综合护理服务概念,集合了几项服务如中医诊所,为更多国人提供更好的中医服务和协助不同需求的年长者原地养老。两家机构还会合作进行研究及培训,以便为更多新加坡人提供优质的中医治疗。
6. 议长女士,就像颜添宝议员所说的,广惠肇留医院尽管受到旧条例的限制,却能做出调整并提供有效的服务,这的确是院方的功劳。该机构的领导层有远见,在结构上作出及时的改变,好让广惠肇留医院能够有效地面对未来的挑战和需要。这是值得我们大家表扬的。卫生部也会继续支持他们。
7. 接下来,我将回应诸位议员们对这个法案所提出的意见和询问。
8. 颜添宝议员提到广惠肇留医院至今仍然帮助一些无法支付医药费的病患。这的确如此。据我了解,广惠肇留医院特别设立了一个委员会,来鉴定这些申请;院方会利用他们所筹得的慈善基金帮助那些需要援助的病患。除此之外,院方为确保国人负担得起医疗费用,也为疗养院费设上限。这也突显了志愿福利机构在新加坡医疗服务方面所扮演的重要角色——他们服务有需要病患的热忱,以及能集合社区资源来帮助这些病患的能力。
9. 广惠肇留医院已向我承诺,将继续不分语言、种族或宗教,秉持积极服务社区的精神,传承为贫病国人提供医药护理的宗旨。我有把握,广惠肇留医院必定能 “广施惠民 肇新百年”。
10. Madam Speaker, allow me to continue in English. Mr Louis Ng queried as to how the new entity will be funded and operated. He also asked for clarifications as to how the transfer of employees from the existing Kwong Wai Shiu entity, to the new entity, will take place. I would like to reassure Mr Louis Ng that the transition to the new entity is purely a change in Kwong Wai Shiu’s corporate structure and does not affect its operations. As mentioned earlier, under this Bill, all records, legal rights, and obligations of the former Kwong Wai Shiu will be transferred to, and assumed by, the new CLG, in a seamless manner. This means that the “new” Kwong Wai Shiu will continue to run its nursing home, and receive the same funding from MOH to care for its clients. In line with this, Kwong Wai Shiu’s employees will simply become employees of the new entity, with their employment terms unchanged.
11. I am glad that Mr Louis Ng raised the question on whether Kwong Wai Shiu’s trustees and committee members will still be able to contribute to Kwong Wai Shiu after the transfer to the new entity. Kwong Wai Shiu’s trustees and committee members have been closely involved with its operations for many years, and contributed significantly to its strong track record in community service. I understand from Kwong Wai Shiu that the trustees and committee members have been invited to serve on the new Board and that most have agreed to do so. I am confident that the Board members will continue to lead and guide Kwong Wai Shiu as it expands its mandate and infrastructure. I would also like to take this opportunity to update that the new twelve-storey facility is on track for completion in end-2017.
12. Lastly, I would like to thank Mr Louis Ng for his suggestion to consider the possibility of nursing homes accommodating patients with higher care needs. MOH is looking into this, and will share more details in future.
13. Madam Speaker, let me conclude. The Kwong Wai Shiu Bill will modernise Kwong Wai Shiu’s corporate structure and put Kwong Wai Shiu in a stronger position to respond to future challenges. At the same time, Kwong Wai Shiu will also have greater flexibility to continue providing quality healthcare services to Singaporeans. Moving forward, MOH will continue to work closely with Kwong Wai Shiu, as well as other like-minded partners to continue improving the accessibility and quality of ILTC care for Singapore. Together, we will make Singapore an ideal place to age gracefully in. I call on Members of the House to give their support to the Kwong Wai Shiu Bill. Thank you.