FAQ: Use of masks and availability of masks
29 August 2016
This article has been migrated from an earlier version of the site and may display formatting inconsistencies.
1. Do I need to wear a N95 mask?
N95 masks are not needed for short exposure, like commuting from home to school or work, travel from bus-stop to shopping mall. N95 masks are also not needed in an indoor environment.
A healthy person who has to be outdoors for several hours when the forecasted air quality is in the hazardous range (PSI >300) may reduce exposure by wearing a N95 mask.
2. What about vulnerable groups of people? Should they wear masks to protect themselves?
The best form of protection for people with chronic lung or heart disease, elderly, and pregnant women is to avoid or minimize outdoor activity when the forecasted air quality is unhealthy (PSI > 200). If they have to be outdoors for several hours, they may reduce exposure by wearing a N95 mask.
You should take a break from using a N95 mask if you feel uncomfortable. Elderly, pregnant women and people with severe lung or heart problems who have difficulty breathing at rest or on exertion should consult their doctor as to whether they should use the N95 mask.
Women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy may already have reduced lung volumes or breathing issues. They should stop using a N95 mask if they feel uncomfortable.
3. Is the N95 mask an adequate protection against haze? Does it protect against PM2.5??
N95 masks work only if there is a good fit with the face of the wearer. This way, most of the air that the wearer breathes in has to go through the filter and not through the gaps between the mask and the wearer’s face. Haze can contain fine particles that are 2.5 microns or smaller (PM2.5), and studies have shown that N95 masks do provide good protection against particle pollutants as they are at least 95% efficient against fine particles that are about 0.1 – 0.3 microns.
4. What are the effects of wearing a N95 mask?
The use of N95 masks increases effort in breathing. For some people, the use of N95 mask may cause discomfort in breathing, tiredness or headache. This may be due to the mask causing increased resistance to breathing, and a reduction in the volume of air breathed. For most people this is not serious.
Some elderly people, people with lung or heart conditions, and women in the later stages of pregnancy may already have reduced lung volumes or breathing issues.
You should take a break from using a N95 mask if you feel uncomfortable. Elderly, pregnant women and people with severe lung or heart problems who have difficulty breathing at rest or on exertion should consult their doctor as to whether they should use the N95 mask.
Women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy may already have reduced lung volumes or breathing issues. They should stop using a N95 mask if they feel uncomfortable.
5. How do I get a mask?
Masks are available at major pharmacies and supermarkets, such as Unity, Watsons, Guardian, Cold Storage and Fairprice. The national stockpile of N95 masks may be released to the major pharmacies and supermarkets if more are needed.
Employers of workers who are required to work outdoors for prolonged period are encouraged to maintain a seven-day stock for immediate response. Procurement of additional masks can be made through the major pharmacies and supermarkets.
6. Are there different types of N95 masks in the market?
There are different brands of N95 masks in the market which have the same functionality. They come in different colours, shapes and sizes. Please also refer to Annex B.
7. What are EN-149: 2001 masks? Are they equivalent to the N95 masks?
EN-149 is one of the European Standard for masks while N95 masks are certified by the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Both types of masks are designed to reduce wearer’s respiratory exposure to airborne contaminants such as particles, gases or vapours.
The EN-149 masks are classified in three classes depending on the ability to separate air-borne particles:
FFP2 masks that meet the EN-149 standard are the closest to N95 masks in the ability to filter particles
Class | Separation ability at 95 L/min airflow |
FFP1 | Filter separates 80% of airborne particles |
FFP2 | Filter separates 94% of airborne particles |
FFP3 | Filter separates 99% of airborne particles |
8. How would members of public know if the N95 or other types of masks meet safety and quality standards?
A NIOSH-approved mask is certified by the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to have 95% filter efficiency. A NIOSH-approved respirator has the following information printed on its packaging:
the type of approval (e.g. N95)
the manufacturer’s name
A list of NIOSH certified N95 masks is available on NIOSH’s website Please also see Annex C for some examples.
EN149 is the European Standard for respiratory mask designed to reduce wearer’s respiratory exposure to airborne contaminants such as particles, gases or vapours. Masks are classified in three classes depending on the ability to separate air-borne particles according to the FFP (Filtering Face Pieces). An European standard certified mask will have the following text printed on it:
the CE mark
EN 149:2001; the classification of the mask (e.g. FFP2)
the manufacturer’s name.
9. How does a consumer choose which mask to purchase?
Both the NIOSH-certified N95 masks or the EN-149 masks are designed to reduce wearer’s respiratory exposure to airborne contaminants such as particles, gases or vapours. Consumers should perform a fit check to ensure a good fit.
10. How do I learn to fit my N95 mask??
For best effect, N95 masks need to be fitted properly for each user. To check for proper fit, please check that the available mask is appropriately sized and covers the nose and mouth comfortably without leak.
See The HPB website has a step by step guide on how to wear N95 masks properly.
The use of N95 masks to filter out pollutants in the air is not identical to the use of N95 masks for infection control in a healthcare institution during a disease pandemic situation. For use during a haze incident, even if the mask is not perfectly fitted, it can still be useful in filtering out pollutants for those who need to wear it.
11. How do I wear a mask?
To learn how to put on a mask properly, the HPB has an info graphic on how to wear a mask on their website. Please see also Annex D..
12. Can I reuse my N95 mask?
You can reuse your N95 mask. It should be changed when it gets soiled or distorted in shape. It should not be shared.
13. Are surgical masks useful?
Normal surgical masks are not effective in filtering fine particles (i.e. tiny particles that are 2.5 microns or less in width), although they can reduce the discomfort cause by haze by providing a barrier between the wearer’s nose and mouth, and larger irritant particles in the air.
14. Are surgical masks the same as N95 masks?
Surgical masks and N95 masks are different and were made for different purposes. Surgical masks were designed to protect the surrounding environment from the user’s own spit or mucous. Healthcare professionals use them (e.g. in an operating theatre) to prevent their own germs from infecting the patient.
N95 masks were designed to protect the wearer from airborne particles. Studies have shown that they are at least 95% efficient against fine particles that are about 0.1 – 0.3 microns, assuming good fit on the wearer’s face.
15. Are the new AIR+ Smart Masks safe?
The mask has been tested according to European Standard EN 149:2001=A1:2009 to benchmark its quality and performance and is certified to be safe for use in adults.
16. Are the new AIR+ Smart Masks safe?
What are the findings of the clinical trial on the impact of the AIR+ Smart Mask on children?
There are currently no international certification standards for use of masks in children. Certification standards apply to use in adults only.
The clinical trial conducted by the manufacturer (i.e. Innosparks Pte Ltd) on the impact of the AIR+ Smart Mask on children aged 7 to 14 years found that the AIR+ Smart Mask, with and without the micro-ventilator, can be used safely in children with no existing heart and lung conditions. To be effective, the mask needs to maintain a well-fitted seal at all times. If the child experiences breathing discomfort while using the mask, it should be removed.
17. What level of activity can be conducted when wearing the AIR+ Smart Masks?
Children who wear the mask with or without the micro-ventilators can carry out light physical activity such as brisk walking. Children are not advised to carry out greater levels of physical activity when wearing the mask, even with the micro-ventilator.
18. Should children with pre-existing respiratory conditions (e.g. asthma) use the AIR+ Smart Mask?
The key precaution for persons with pre-existing lung and heart disease is to avoid prolonged or strenuous outdoor physical exertion when the forecasted air quality is unhealthy (24-hr PSI>100), and avoid outdoor activity when the forecasted air quality is in the very unhealthy and hazardous range (24-hr PSI>200). Children with chronic heart and lung conditions may respond differently to the mask. Please consult your child’s attending physician if there is any doubt or if your child experiences discomfort.
19. How will the haze impact patients in nursing homes and subsidised wards with natural ventilation?
The healthcare institutions will institute specific measures to manage particulate matter (PM) levels in indoor spaces, taking reference from the NEA’s guidelines on indoor air quality. The healthcare institutions will also monitor patients closely, and ensure ample circulation of clean air indoors.
20. Where can I get more information on haze?
Please refer to the following websites:
Annex B
Examples of N95 masks.

Annex C
Examples of NIOSH-approved masks.

Annex D
How to wear a mask