Healthcare is affordable for all
4 January 2011
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Name of the Person: 黄昌虎
说 句实话,其他的一切设施,都是较为次要的问题。老人家只冀望政府多给些医药津贴,我们不需要百分之百的免费医药津贴,只是盼望政府设法把医药费降低到较合 理的水平,让老人不必为医药问题,忧心忡忡,活得不快乐。人老了,来日无多,生老病死是自然规律,不足为惧,但只怕老来受病魔折磨。
04 Jan 2011, ZaoBao
Reply from MOH
Mr Wong Chiang Hu lamented that the elderly would not be able to afford medical treatments (“Elderly woes”, ZB, 30 Dec).
We are ever mindful that all Singaporeans, and especially the elderly, can afford good basic healthcare. This is our priority and we achieve this through multiple layers of protection: heavy Government subsidies and 3Ms: Medisave, MediShield and Medifund. The results are tangible and evident.
For the elderly, the Government tops-up their Medisave accounts from time to time. Medifund Silver provides the ultimate safety net. It often waives the outstanding bill after means-testing. Such a targeted approach is the best as it benefits all, by lifting the burden on the lower income while reducing the tax burden on the higher income.
Any patient with genuine financial difficulty paying for healthcare only needs to approach the hospital Medical Social Worker and we will take care of the rest.
In MOH, our mission is to enable all Singaporeans to live well and to age with peace of mind. Our system is not perfect but vastly superior to many others elsewhere. And we will continue to enhance it to make it work even better for all Singaporeans.