Minister Khaw Boon Wan's Response To SDP/WP's Comments on the National Kidney Foundation (NKF)
21 April 2006
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21 Apr 2006
(a) SDP
SDP's Chee Soon Juan has issued a media statement (Apr 19) to say that the charges against the former NKF CEO and management are only one aspect of the NKF scandal. "The other concerns the Government's handling of the entire saga", he said.
How the Government has handled the entire saga was fully discussed in public and also in Parliament. His fellow Opposition Party Members were also in Parliament. They had full opportunities to question and speak on this subject. What they said, which was little, is on public record in the Hansard.
Mr Chee asked why MOH renewed NKF's IPC status (in 2002). This question was also raised by Mr Steve Chia in Parliament and a full reply was given. Briefly, the National Council of Social Services had earlier wondered if NKF's fund-raising expenses were unduly high. MOH had investigated but found them in compliance with the 70-30 expense ratio. Subsequently it even commissioned KPMG to do a review which did not reveal any major problems. Hence, there was no reason for MOH not to renew their IPC status.
Mr Chee noted that I said I took "my hat's off to the NKF". This was in Apr 2004 when media asked for my comment on the large amount of donations that NKF was able to raise. I said "My hat's off to the NKF. They have been able to raise that kind of money over the years." And I added: "if they run wild, and start spending money on the wrong things, then I think donors have the right to ask questions."
I also offered this advice to then NKF. The best way for NKF is to be "totally transparent". "If there are still more questions, then come up with more answers."
This was reported by ST, ZB and others on Apr 11, 2004. I stand by those statements.
If Mr Chee and the SDP still accuse the Government of wrong-doings in the handling of the NKF saga, then they should come out to make and substantiate their accusations now, instead of vaguely alleging some non-specific wrong-doing.
Why wait until the elections? It shows that they are not really interested in NKF or the public interest, only in scoring points in the elections.
If they still accuse the government of wrong doing, then I will ask the PM to set up a Commission of Inquiry to inquire into the Government's handling of the NKF case, and look into allegations that the Government has not been thorough or has covered up wrongdoings.
Mr Chee and SDP should then bring their evidence before the Commission. I will of course appear before the Commission to give evidence and be cross examined.
(b) WP
I also understand from Shin Min that WP's Mr Low Thia Kiang has urged the Government to seriously consider withdrawing the NKF court case until after the election, so that some of the political parties can debate on this issue which is of concern to many people.
The NKF incident did not happen yesterday. Over many months, it has been extensively debated. As I said, there were several occasions when it was also discussed in the Parliament. Mr Low was in attendance but he did not speak much on this matter. What he said could be found in the Hansard.
What other things about the NKF which he wanted to raise now which he had not already raised given the many opportunities?
As for the criminal charges, Mr Low should know that the public prosecutors are independent entities. They act on their own and as soon as they have completed their investigations and when there is evidence, they would proceed with their charges.
How can we ask them to withdraw?