2017 |
2019-20206 |
2021-20226 |
Prevalence among adults aged 18 to 69 years
► Hyperlipidaemia |
35.5 |
39.1 |
39.1 |
► Hypertension |
24.2 |
35.5 |
37.0 |
► Diabetes |
8.8 |
9.5 |
8.5 |
► Obesity
8.6 |
10.5 |
11.6 |
| 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
► Daily Smoking
10.1 |
10.4 |
9.2 |
Hyperlipidaemia: LDL-Cholesterol ≥ 4.1mmol/l
Hypertension: Blood pressure ≥ 140/90mmHg Diabetes: Fasting plasma glucose ≥ 6.9 mmol/l Obesity: BMI ≥ 30kg/m
2 Daily Smoking: Smokes cigarettes at least once a day na - not available
Top 5 Leading Cancers
(Incidence, 2017 - 2021)
Number |
4 |
Female |
Number |
4 |
1) Prostate |
6,912 | 36.5 |
1) Breast
12,735 | 74.6 |
2) Colon & rectum |
6,697 | 37.5 |
2) Colon-rectum |
5,542 | 26.9 |
3) Lung |
5,567 | 30.0 |
3) Lung |
3,388 | 16.2 |
4) Lymphoid neoplasms |
2,986 | 20.0 |
4) Uterus |
3,133 | 18.8 |
5) Liver |
2,984 | 16.4 |
5) Lymphoid neoplasms |
2,221 | 13.6 |
Distribution of Disability-Adjusted Life Years by Broad Cause Group 20195
Total of 1,047,768 life-years lost due to mortality and ill-health in 2019
1 - Data for years 1992, 1998, 2004 and 2010 is from the National Health Survey (NHS) series, while data for years 2013
and 2017 is from the National Health Surveillance Survey (NHSS) 2013 and National Population Health Surveys (NPHS)
2017 respectively.
Data on clinical measurement for chronic diseases were not collected in NHSS 2013.Next update for data on i) Daily
Smoking and ii) Hyperlipidaemia, Hypertension, Diabetes and Obesity will be from i) NPHS 2019 which will be ready in
late 2020 and ii) NPHS 2020 which will be ready in 2021 respectively.
2 - Singapore Residents.
3 - Source: Singapore Cancer Registry (SCR) Anniversary Monograph (1968-2017).
4 - ASIR: Age-Standardised Incidence Rate per 100,000 population (per year). The direct method based on the Segi-Doll
World Standards was used to calculate the ASIRs.
5 - Source: Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2019 study.
6 - Obesity and DHL prevalence are based on the Health Examination (HE) which is only reported every 2 years under NPHS.