Facility Operator

1. General

Operator, in relation to the facility, is defined as the person who operates the facility or who has the management or control of the facility.

2. Duties & Obligations

  1. Appoint a biosafety coordinator and the biosafety committee comprised of the persons specified in the Sixth Schedule of the BATA, which will provide advisory support to the operator in reference to policies, programmes and code of practice pertaining to activities involving biological agents and toxins.
    1. (See BATA Part V Section 39)
  2. Ensure that the facility is appropriate for its purpose and maintain any equipment in optimal and safe working condition. The operator should also ensure that he has implemented an adequate security system for the facility.
    1. (See BATA Part V Section 40)
  3. Ensure that a proper risk assessment with appropriate measures for safety was implemented for all laboratory and staff activities for personnel safety. This will include emergency response procedures, staff training and proper disposal and decontamination, etc.
    1. (See BATA Part V Section 41)
  4. Be responsible for the activities of visitors of the facility including their safety and informing them of the hazards involved in the activities being carried out in the facility. The operator should also ensure that the visitor is always accompanied by a staff of the facility.
    1. (See BATA Part V Section 42)
  5. Ensure that the requirements for animal containment is complied with when using animals for experimentation.
    1. (See BATA Part V Section 43)
  6. Maintain records of the facility's activities, inventory, incidents and visitors. The operator should also report to the Ministry of Health, incidents of confirmed or suspected infections, any adverse incidents involving biological agents or toxins, loss or destruction of the biological agents or toxins.
    1. (See BATA Part V Section 44)
