The Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Act, which was passed in Parliament in 2000, requires all TCM Practitioners to be registered with the TCM Practitioners Board.
The registration of TCM Practitioners began in 2001 with the registration of acupuncturists. This was followed by the registration of TCM physicians from 2002. From January 2004, all who practise TCM are required to be registered with the TCM Practitioners Board and possess a valid practising certificate. From December 2005, Chinese Medicinal Materials dispensers who graduated from the Chinese Medicinal Materials (CMM) Training course (Intermediate module) are voluntarily listed with the TCM Practitioners Board.
For more information on TCM practitioner’s registration requirements, please refer to TCM Practitioners Board website.
Chinese Medicines Regulation
All Chinese Proprietary Medicines (CPM) i.e. products in the finished dosage forms (e.g. tablet, capsule, liquid) are regulated by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) and must comply with a set of safety and quality criteria before they are allowed to be sold in Singapore. In addition, CPM dealers (importers, wholesale dealers and manufacturers) are also required to be licensed by HSA. The sale or use of suspicious CPM should be reported to HSA at Tel 6866 3485 for further investigation. For information on the regulation of Chinese Proprietary Medicines and Raw Medicinal Herbs, please refer to the HSA's website on Complementary Health Products.
Safety Information on Health Products
Consumers are encouraged to exercise discretion and caution in their purchase and use of health products for their individual needs, and to seek advice from relevant healthcare professional or registered TCM practitioner when in doubt. HSA also advises consumers to only buy health products from reliable and reputable sources, and to also do a search on the approved CPM in Singapore at the following HSA webpage: http://eservice.hsa.gov.sg/Search_CPM. To read about product safety alerts, product recalls, adverse drug reactions news bulletin and safety-related amendments made to the local package inserts, please refer to Health Sciences Authority website.