09 Nov 2020
Currently, tests for COVID-19 are administered in either PHMCA-licensed healthcare institutions or and offsite locations.
Kindly refer to the various lists to view the approved providers for either polymerase chain reaction or antigen rapid tests, as well as their corresponding locations.
For Polymerase Chain Reaction Test (PCR) Providers:
1. The list of approved Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test providers can be downloaded here[.PDF, 611KB] | View these providers on OneMap.
1.1 The list of clinics approved to conduct PCR Pre-Departure Tests can be downloaded here[.PDF, 836KB].
1.2 The list of clinics approved to conduct Rapid PCR Tests^ can be downloaded here[PDF, 788KB].
2. The list of approved PCR test providers at offsite premises can be downloaded here#[.PDF, 306KB].
For Antigen Rapid Test (ART) Providers:
1. List of MOH-approved ART providers in licenced premises for pre-event COVID-19 testing can be downloaded here*[.PDF, 859KB].
2. List of MOH-approved ART Providers for at offsite premises can be downloaded here# [.PDF, 280KB].
3. List of MOH-approved Class B ART Providers can be downloaded here[.PDF, 148KB].
4. List of MOH-approved ART Providers for real-time remote supervised self-swab for Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and Work Pass Holders (including Long Term Pass Holders) situated in selected countries and regions can be downloaded here[.PDF, 585KB]
For Combined Test Centres (CTCs) and Quick Test Centres (QTCs):
1. Kindly refer to this webpage for the list of CTCs and QTCs.
*The fees published in this list are as per HCI's declaration and may be subject to change by the HCI from time to time. Please call the clinic to ensure that they are able to offer private-paid ART swabs.
# Please note that the locations listed here are for specific events only and providers may not be at these locations at all times.
^ Please note that the waiting time for each test is approximately three hours.