The following treatment items, procedures, conditions and activities are not covered by MediShield Life and cannot be claimed* (Applicable for admissions or treatments received on or after 1 March 2021):

  • Ambulance fees

  • Cosmetic surgery

  • Dental work (except due to accidental injuries)

  • Vaccination

  • Infertility, sub-fertility, assisted conception or any contraceptive operation, including their related complications

  • Sex change operations, including their related complications

  • Maternity charges (including Caesarean operations) or abortions, including their related complications, except treatments for serious complications related to pregnancy and childbirth

  • Treatment for injuries arising from the insured's criminal act

  • Treatment of injuries arising directly or indirectly from nuclear fallout, war and related risk

  • Treatment of injuries arising from direct participation in civil commotion, riot or strike

  • Expenses incurred after the 7th calendar day from being certified to be medically fit for discharge from inpatient treatment and assessed to have a feasible discharge option by a medical practitioner

  • Surgical interventions, including related complications, for the following rare congenital conditions which are severe and fatal by nature: Trisomy 13, Bilateral Renal Agenesis, Bart's Hydrops and Anecephaly

  • Optional items which are outside the scope of treatment

  • Overseas medical treatment

  • Private nursing charges

  • Purchase of kidney dialysis machines, iron-lung and other special appliances

  • Treatment which has received reimbursement from Workmen’s Compensation and other forms of insurance coverage

* Notwithstanding the exclusions above, treatment items, conditions and activities which are assessed by MOH to be inappropriate e.g. non-medically indicated treatments or unnecessary hospitalisation, would also not be eligible for MSHL coverage. For more information on MSHL claims assessment, please refer to this page.